Trusted And Experienced
Maryland Client Advocates Since 1950

Veteran Criminal Defense Attorneys For Violent Crime Charges

Criminal offenses involving violence carry significant penalties. Prosecutors often seek the maximum penalties for violent crimes. Because of the stakes involved, you need an advocate on your side who can clearly explain your rights and pursue all options in your defense.

Engel Law Group, P.C. has been representing criminal defendants in Baltimore, Maryland, since 1950. In over 60 years of practice, we have defended clients against all manner of criminal charges, including:

  • Assault
  • Homicide
  • Sexual violence
  • Weapons offenses
  • Other violent crimes

A Clear Legal Analysis. A Comprehensive Criminal Defense.

Our experienced criminal defense lawyers are honest and upfront about the options before you. We are vigorous advocates for our clients’ rights. We are experienced courtroom attorneys who have honed our skills after years in the courtroom. Because we have the practical knowledge of the legal system that only experience can bring, we are able to provide a comprehensive analysis of your situation and clearly explain the choices before you.

We Provide Free Consultations

Everyone should have their voice heard in the legal system, regardless of the charges brought against them. Unfortunately, when crimes of violence have occurred, the accused must proactively defend their rights. Too often those alleged to have committed violent crimes are assumed to be guilty.

Schedule your free initial consultation by calling 410-449-2928, or toll free at 877-463-0488. You can also contact us confidentially online. We respond promptly to inquiries and are ready to help you. We can give you a measure of control over the situation and help you craft a strategic defense.