Trusted And Experienced
Maryland Client Advocates Since 1950

Baltimore Drug Possession Defense Attorneys

Being accused of drug possession can be an extremely daunting experience. People facing charges in these cases often feel helpless to defend themselves. Indeed there are many times that, once the police suspect you of a crime, their only focus is on gathering evidence to support their theory rather than finding the truth.

Even if you were legitimately found to be in possession of an illegal substance, you still have defense options. Your very future is at stake in these matters. You owe it to yourself and those who rely on you to do everything possible to beat the charges. Talk to a qualified Baltimore drug possession defense lawyer with the ability to protect your rights and your freedom.

Dedicated Representation In Serious Maryland Drug Crimes

At the law firm of Engel Law Group, P.C., we provide strategic defense representation in a broad range of these matters. We have successfully defended countless clients against drug possession charges and charges for possession of drug paraphernalia, among others. Our knowledge of the law and prosecution tactics allows us to take a much more proactive approach to building an effective defense on your behalf.

We conduct a thorough investigation into every case. We review all of the prosecution’s evidence and work to identify any flaws that could be used to strengthen your defense. If we find any indication that your rights were violated at any point during the investigation, we will take action to have any resulting evidence excluded. Whether through negotiation or litigation, we pursue every available option in an effort to avoid a conviction on your record.

Strong Defense Against Any Type Of Drug Possession Charge

We have defended clients in cases involving possession of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and many other illegal substances. Contact one of our offices to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney. You can reach us in the Baltimore area by calling 410-449-2928 or toll free from anywhere in the United States at 877-463-0488. You can also contact us via email.