Trusted And Experienced
Maryland Client Advocates Since 1950

Filing For Workers’ Compensation

If you have been injured in the course of doing your job, you likely have grounds to seek workers’ compensation benefits. There are specific processes that need to be followed in order to obtain benefits, and filing for workers’ compensation benefits can become quite complex for people who are not familiar with the law in Maryland.

At the Baltimore-based law firm of Engel Law Group, P.C., our attorneys represent clients at every stage of the workers’ compensation process. From completing your initial application for benefits to challenging the denial of a claim, we will be there with you at every step, constantly in pursuit of the best available outcome.

Working To Protect Your Rights After A Work-Related Accident

Submitting an accurate and complete application for workers’ compensation is critical to obtaining the right benefits in a timely manner. We will help you gather the necessary information for your application and present a compelling case to support your right to receive benefits.

If your application is denied for any reason, we will be there to represent you at every stage of the appeals process. We have a great deal of experience in these matters, and you can rely on us to pursue every available option in an effort to secure the benefits you need and are entitled to by law.

Discuss Your Workers’ Comp Questions With One Of Our Lawyers

Contact one of our Maryland offices to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney regarding the process for obtaining workers’ compensation benefits. You can reach us in the Baltimore area by calling 410-449-2928 or toll free from anywhere in the United States at 877-463-0488. You can also contact us via email.