Trusted And Experienced
Maryland Client Advocates Since 1950

Types Of Workers’ Compensation

The type of workers’ compensation benefits you will be eligible to pursue will be largely dependent on the nature and severity of your work injury. There are a number of key factors that come into play in making these determinations. Employers and their insurance companies will do everything possible to obtain a decision that protects their business interests.

If you have suffered a workplace injury, it is important that you receive the type of benefits you need — not the benefits your employer decides to offer you. At the Baltimore-based law firm of Engel Law Group, P.C., our attorneys represent injured workers across Maryland in all aspects of workers’ compensation law. Our substantial experience with these matters allows us to be much more proactive in our efforts to provide for our clients’ needs.

Maryland Workers’ Compensation Disability Benefits

In addition to the medical and rehabilitation benefits that are available to injured workers, there are different levels of disability benefits they can receive while they are unable to work. There are specific criteria that are evaluated in the course of determining your eligibility for each type of disability. We will help navigate the entire process, working tirelessly to see that you receive the right benefits.

The following is a brief summary of the available disability benefits:

  • Temporary total disability benefits: If you are temporarily unable to return to work in any capacity following a work injury, you may be eligible to receive temporary total disability benefits. If you are expected to be able to return to work within 14 days, you will not receive disability payments for the first three days. If you are expected to be away from work for more than 14 days, you will be eligible to receive compensation starting on the first day of disability.
  • Temporary partial disability benefits: If you are able to return to work immediately but in a reduced capacity compared to your preinjury capability, you may be able to receive temporary partial disability benefits if you are paid a lower wage for the work you are able to perform during your recovery. Under the law, you can receive benefits equivalent to 50 percent of the difference between the wage you receive when you return to work and your average weekly wage prior to the injury.
  • Permanent total disability benefits: Maryland law has specific definitions regarding the types of injuries that constitute permanent total disability. If you have a qualifying injury, you will be entitled to receive compensation equal to two-thirds of your average weekly wage up to the Maryland statutory maximum.
  • Permanent partial disability benefits: If your injury is not completely disabling but permanently diminishes your ability to earn at the level you were capable of prior to the injury, you may be able to seek permanent partial disability benefits. The percentage of your average weekly wage and the number of weeks you receive benefits are determined by the body part that has been injured.

Speak With One Of Our Workers’ Comp Disability Lawyers

Contact one of our Maryland offices to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney regarding your disability compensation benefits questions. You can reach us in the Baltimore area by calling 410-449-2928 or toll free from anywhere in the United States at 877-463-0488. You can also contact us via email.