A lot of people who work in offices and other indoor workplaces are subjected to poor quality air and even sometimes breathe in toxic materials without realizing it. These toxins may not bother some employees, while others can become seriously ill. Are employees...
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Workers’ Compensation
What are the management options for carpal tunnel atrophy?
If you are an employee who suffered carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of repetitive strain on the wrist, you may be at risk of related complications. In severe cases, carpal tunnel atrophy may develop, causing muscle weakness and potential long-term damage to the...
How whiplash can happen at work
Employees who are injured in Maryland are often entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. To be eligible, the worker doesn’t need to show that they or their employer was at fault. All that matters is that the injury is work-related. Whiplash typically involves...
What to know about reporting a work-related injury
If you sustain a work-related injury or contract a disease at work, you may be eligible for workers' compensation. However, you need to observe certain things to protect your right to this compensation. And one of them is reporting the case to your employer. Here is...
Should you accept an employer’s offer to pay for a work injury?
When an injury occurs on the job, employees typically have a safety net in workers’ compensation. This system is designed to provide financial and medical support to those who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses. Some employers attempt to bypass the legal...
Hazards of heat exhaustion and heat stroke for Baltimore workers
The summer months are some that come with considerable dangers for outdoor workers. One of these is the risk of heat-related illnesses that can lead to severe health issues. Employees must ensure they’re paying attention to the signs their body shows them when...
Steps to take after a workplace accident in Maryland
The process of claiming workers’ compensation benefits after an acute incident generally begins at the moment a workplace accident occurs. It is in your best interests to be aware of this fact so that you can take the proper steps to protect your right to workers’...
Why workers’ compensation coverage can be better than health insurance
Employees with work injuries don't always seek out Maryland workers' compensation benefits despite potentially being eligible for them. Workers' compensation can theoretically help most workers with job-acquired health challenges, including traumatic injuries and...
Don’t underestimate the physical hazards of interior painting
People often think that interior painting is one of the least dangerous jobs a person could have in the construction and remodeling industry. If your high school or college student is going to be doing interior painting to earn some money during spring break, you...
Appealing a denied workers’ compensation claim in Maryland
You may have been expecting workers’ compensation benefits after suffering a workplace accident, only to have your claim denied. When this happens, you will have to deal with the aftermath of the accident alone, from the medical bills to the wages lost if your...