Surgery, whether it is considered major or minor, can be a frightening experience for anyone. Even those surgeries that are considered routine can be botched, leaving the patient or -- in the event of fatality -- their surviving family members with a lot of questions....
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Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice claims may follow improper dosing
Parents in Maryland put a lot of trust in their children's healthcare providers. Whatever the need for medical care, parents look to those trained to handle the issue to the best of their ability. Whether performing a medical procedure or writing out a prescription,...
Medical malpractice claim filed over donated organ
Hundreds of thousands of patients across the country, including some living in Maryland, spend a significant amount of time waiting for a much-needed organ transplant. These surgeries, if performed under the right circumstances and in an appropriate time frame, can be...
Expecting mothers rely on advice, counsel of their doctors
When women learn that they're pregnant, the news is often welcomed with joy. No matter how excited an expecting parent is, however, there's always going to be a bit of anxiety or concern. After all, parents simply want to make sure that their children arrive into the...
Kidney transplant goes wrong when nurse tosses healthy kidney
You would think that medical professionals would be pretty adept at not throwing away healthy organs when a transplant is on the line. That seems like a very straightforward and simple step that all medical professionals should be able to avoid. But you'd be wrong --...
Couple sues doctor and hospital for baby’s birth injuries
The birth of a baby is typically a highly anticipated event for parents in Baltimore. After nine months of paying special attention to what you eat, getting the proper amount of exercise and sleep, going to regular doctor’s visits and doing everything in your power to...
Parents sue hospital after baby dies of legionnaire's disease
The death of a child in Baltimore is always a tragedy, but especially so when it occurs as the result of the negligence of another human being, especially one who has been entrusted to care for the health and wellbeing of the child. A couple who recently lost their...
Mother files medical malpractice suit after death of new baby
Labor and delivery can be a joyful yet stressful time for expectant parents in Baltimore. It is the culmination of nine months’ worth of hope and preparation. For many women, pregnancy and labor is not an easy thing, but once their baby is born, it is all worth it. A...
Parents sue after labor mismanagement leaves baby brain damaged
The birth of a child in Baltimore can be one of the happiest moments in the life of a parent. A new baby brings with him or her a promise for the future and the moment he or she is born, the parents' lives are changed forever. One couple that was deprived of the...
Baltimore cardiologist sued for unnecessary procedures
Patients in Baltimore should be able to trust their medical providers to care for them in an ethical manner and do what is in the best interest of the patients. After all, when a person becomes a doctor, he or she takes the Hippocratic Oath, promising to treat...