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The hardest type of distracted driving to prevent

Some types of distracted driving, although common, are technically easy to avoid. For instance, consider texting and driving. It’s something that drivers do every day, but it could be avoided if they simply turned their phones off in the car. It is a choice to text and drive.

However, some studies find that texting is not the main type of distraction drivers cite. It accounts for only 14% of distracted driving accidents, while a full 61% of drivers report simply daydreaming. This makes daydreaming the number one driver distraction. Many car accidents happen just because the driver’s mind is wandering and they are not paying enough attention to the road around them.

Why is this difficult to prevent?

Part of the problem with daydreaming is that even the driver may not realize it’s happening. They are probably not making a conscious choice to let their mind wander. Instead, they may simply feel bored during a daily commute or a long drive, or they may have a lot on their mind regarding their professional or personal life.

Many drivers don’t even realize they are daydreaming until an accident occurs. Suddenly, they feel like another car came out of nowhere, or they realize they’re about to run a red light. By the time the distraction becomes apparent, it’s already too late, and an accident is inevitable.

Seeking compensation

Even if you stay focused on the road and avoid daydreaming, you could still be injured in an accident caused by another driver. Take the time to look into your legal options to seek compensation if this happens to you.

