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Maryland woman files slip-and-fall lawsuit against airport

One of the problems with a wet floor is that the water is both slippery and very hard to see. Many people suffer injuries when they unexpectedly slide through a puddle on a smooth floor and fall to the ground. Indeed, it is up to a property owner to inspect floors to make sure that no water has spilled, to wipe up wet areas immediately, and to mark recently cleaned floors with a large and obvious sign warning guests to step carefully. Visitors to a commercial business can be hurt in a slip-and-fall accident when owners do not take these critical steps.

A Maryland woman has filed a lawsuit against an airport after she slipped on a wet floor in a restroom. The woman claims that she fell to the ground causing her to permanently lose a bodily function as well as suffer damage to her limbs, head and body. These injuries caused the woman to incur medical expenses and miss time at her place of work. Moreover, her pain has not resolved, and she continues to feel severe physical and mental agony. She has asked the court to find in her favor for at least $50,000 as compensation for her injuries. 

People who are injured due to a negligent property owner should not have to shoulder the financial burden unassisted. In such a case, it can be best to speak with an attorney who specializes in personal injury law. It may be possible to file a lawsuit against all responsible parties in order to collect damages caused by the accident.

Source: The Pennsylvania Record, “Phila. International Airport faces slip-and-fall claim by Maryland woman,” Jon Campisi, Aug. 9, 2013

